Scattered Saints

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Why Not Me?

This may seem like that time in the program where I just begin to throw tired clichés out there, but, hey... YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST CRITIC.

Do you know what makes you a great villain? You know all of your enemies’ weak spots. You are intimately aware of everything wrong with you. You know your strengths, but you especially know every weakness, and you are always willing to remind yourself of that fact.

Take, for example, the way you talk to yourself. I don’t know about you, but the dialogue that goes on inside of my head is highly entertaining. Most of us have developed some kind of filter system that allows us to decide what we are going to broadcast publicly and what should stay inside. Through our vast experiences in life, both good and bad, we have discovered what things we can say and the type of things that we can’t.

Especially in today’s hyper-sensitive and politically correct culture, we have become, for the most part, keenly aware of what can be said where, and that is the key difference between your outside voice and your inside voice.

When we say the wrong thing publicly, we are faced with consequences. There is an almost instantaneous response that tells us if what we just said is accepted or if it is rejected, this does not exist inside your own head; in fact, there are no rules up there. This is where RESISTANCE lives.

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Here is the first question you need to ask yourself regarding redefining your life and redefining success...


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Brett Esslinger is a Husband, Dad, Son, Brother, Pastor, Speaker, Leader, Writer whose life goal is to help people unlock their potential and fulfill their life's purpose. 

Brett is the founder of Engage City Church & the Author of #HopeNotHype 

Follow Brett on TwitterInstagram & Facebook and of course over on Snapchat