And the answer to the question is (Drum Roll Please) .....
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Have you ever noticed that when you hear little kids playing that there is a lot of talk about things being 'fair?' They love this idea of equity. But I have noticed something else, they love to change the game, change the rules, and ensure that fairness somehow always ends up in their favor, and if we take a look at ourselves, I think that it is pretty safe to say that you and I play the game of life the same way.
It's been a week or two since we last chatted, and a lot has happened. First up on the list... I turned 30. The Big 3-0. Kind of a big deal, I agree, but I have to say, I literally don't feel any older than 7 days past 29. There was another really big thing that happened that has kept all of us out here in Alberta busy, and that is the Fort McMurray Wild Fire....
What am I even doing with my life? What have I accomplished so far? How did I get here? Why am I so dissatisfied with where I am right now? Sound familiar? These are questions that many of us wrestle with on a regular basis. While the frequency might change, from once an hour, to once a minute, to once every 10 seconds, these are questions that we are forced to deal with.
Have you ever had the thought, I can't wait until _____________________ ? You can fill in the blank with whatever you'd like. I can't wait until I get that graduate, I can't wait until I get that job, I can't wait until I get that promotion, I can't wait until I meet that somebody, I can't wait until I get married, I can't wait until I can buy that house, I can't wait until I have that kid, I can't wait until I have the next kid, I can't wait until I get that car, I can't wait until I get to go on that trip, I can't wait until I can retire, I can't wait until I'm feeling better, I can't wait until I lose that weight...
We all struggle with loving ourselves... once we discover this and face it, we can begin to open ourselves up to others. Here are the Top 5 Quotes for Today on Self-Esteem & Self-Worth
Often, if left unresolved, our pain can determine our future. JESUS is the antidote, and gives us a tool to help us move forward.