This is not a class, it's a journey.
NEXT by ENGAGE CHURCH is a four-week journey designed to help you grow as a follower of Christ, understand the heartbeat of this house and be deployed to change the world.
You will go through four carefully designed steps with the ultimate goal of strengthening your faith, understanding our culture and putting your roots down deep in this grove. Just attend all four steps to complete!
“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.
Looking for More Resources?
We got you. Here you will find our Guide Book as well as links to personality and spiritual gifting tests, as well as a link to complete your Final Steps
Wondering how to score your Spiritual Gifting Test? Use our Spiritual Gifting Tool to help calculate your results. Put your score for each item on the appropriate line and add across the page and total up your score. Your Highest Scores represent your top gifting’s. Use the definitions and descriptions of each gifts to learn more about your Spiritual Gifting’s.