The Bible Says... (4:22)
Me < He (5:11)
The Realization (6:24)
Where has the time gone? (6:38)
Morning Routine (8:00)
God Speaks through the Bible (7:55)
Daily Meditation (10:24)
Everybody is busy (11:30)
Young & Restless (12:14)
Searching for Something (12:55)
The Engage Life Challenge (13:22)
Maybe you are in desperate need of rest because your soul is restless…
Ask yourself or have someone you trust as you these questions...
What keeps you up at night?
Are you physical exhausted or emotionally drained?
What is one thing that you can do that will help you re-charge?
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T-R-U-S-T Wondering if it's ok to trust someone again after they hurt you? Wondering how to trust God in the midst of some tough stuff? We are talking all about TRUST ISSUES on this episode of The Engage Life... let's go!
Trust is a currency (2:24)
Defining Trust (2:58)
Trust is earned (3:18)
Trust can be misplaced (3:57)
Forgiveness vs Trust (4:46)
A Roadmap for Restoration (6:14)
Redemptive Pathway (7:12)
A willingness to walk the path (8:10)
How do I trust God? (8:19)
Through the good & the bad (8:34)
In the unknown (9:40)
A proven track record (10:42)
Live to know, not to do (11:29)
How to take a step of faith (11:55)
Trust & Obedience (12:48)
“Our ability to trust God, generally correlates to our experience with people”
Ask yourself or have someone you trust as you these questions...
If someone has broken my trust… what is the first step they can take towards earning it back?
If someone has broken my trust… have I forgiven them?
If someone has broken my trust… have I given myself permission to let them back into my life?
If someone has broken my trust… what is the second step they can take towards earning it back?
If someone has broken my trust… am I using previous situations to punish someone I love?
Rather Listen than Watch? We Got You.
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We would love to hear from you! Send us a question, comment or let us know if The Engage Life has helped you!
Good Idea or God Idea (2:02)
Reality vs Fantasy (3:00)
If it's easy, you're doing it wrong (3:28)
I'm not living my dream unless I'm getting paid for it (3:55)
If you truly love something, you'll just do it (4:33)
Is it a dream or is it a fantasy? (5:00)
Develop your craft (5:57)
Rejection is your new best friend (7:03)
You're gonna need a side hustle (8:12)
It's totally ok to get a job (9:10)
Often we are the natural limitation on our own dreams (10:10)
Is it supposed to be hard? (10:27)
“You can never accomplish your dream if you don’t grow up and grapple with the realities of responsibility”
Ask yourself or have someone you trust as you these questions...
Do I truly love the thing I believe I’m passionate about?
What am I willing to give up to make this dream a reality?
Is there something else I can do to improve my craft?
Rather Listen than Watch? We Got You.
We are available on iTunes, SoundCloud, & Spotify
Looking to dig deeper into this subject? Here’s a great place to start…
Do you have a dream? What is stopping you or holding you back from accomplishing the dreams that are in your heart?
Don't let discouragement derail you. It's time for you to step into your future...
Previously On...(0:55)
Walking Away from Dreams (2:25)
It takes work (3:06)
Romanticized Dreams (4:18)
Final Product vs Process (4:47)
The Secret of Success (5:18)
Do you love what you're doing? (5:51)
Developing Work Ethic (6:03)
If you build something, you've got to carry it (6:44)
Failing Forward (6:56)
Seasons Change (7:45)
I have to change (8:14)
Discovering who we are (8:24)
Self-Awareness Required (8:42)
Buried Dreams (9:25)
Living the Dream (10:04)
Dreams take work. We've made them romantic ideas that should disappear. We often find ourselves most discouraged when our dreams require effort.
Ask yourself or have someone you trust as you these questions...
Do you truly love the thing that you are pursuing?
Are you willing to do the thing you love even if you don't ever get paid?
Is your idea of living the dream based in fantasy or reality?
Rather Listen than Watch? We Got You.
We are available on iTunes, SoundCloud, & Spotify
We are getting down and dirty and talking about the DREAM KILLER aka DISCOURAGEMENT. Things happen. Life happens. How do you deal with it and keep moving forward?
Let's find out together...
The Dream Killer (1:03)
Defined by Discouragement (1:44)
Discouragement can derail everything (2:05)
Discouragement is not truth (2:19)
Up & Down (3:05)
Don’t let discouragement drive (3:42)
Who’s making the decisions? (4:23)
Just because it’s difficult, it doesn’t mean you’re done (4:39)
Growing Pains (5:19)
Taking matters into your own hands (7:05)
What’s true in this situation? (8:16)
Want to Follow Jesus? (8:47)
Disrupt discouragement by not allowing your emotions to sit in the driver seat
Change the camera angle… you can only see it the way you see it…
Tangible Takeaway
Read and Memorize 2 Corinthians 10.5
If you’re feeling discouraged… talk to somebody you can trust
Don’t diminish your direction… instead of saying, “look how far I have to go,” take a moment and celebrate by saying, “look how far I’ve come!”
Rather Listen than Watch? We Got You.
We are available on iTunes, SoundCloud, & Spotify
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Is He mad at me? Maybe God not answering your prayer has more to do with you developing you... because there is a PURPOSE IN THE PROCESS
The Question (1:02)
No Answer is an Answer (1:29)
Can't Always Get What You Want (1:48)
Two-Way Street (2:04)
When I make myself God... (2:24)
The Purpose of Prayer (2:35)
We are a Reflection of Jesus (3:41)
Trust Issues (4:16)
So thankful God didn't answer your prayer (5:22)
Not God's Best For You (6:37)
In the in-between (7:00)
Explore Every Option (7:19)
Maybe He's Drawing You Out (8:00)
Give God some room to work (8:47)
Developing Patience (9:01)
There's Purpose in the Process (9:11)
Why isn’t God answering my prayer?
Timing Matters
Is it NO Answer, or NOT the answer you’re looking for?
There is purpose in the process
Ask yourself… is God being silent, or is there more to this journey?
Ask Jesus… what am I missing?
Memorize and Repeat: Isaiah 55.8-9 NLT “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord.
“And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
9 For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so my ways are higher than your ways
and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
Rather Listen than Watch? We Got You.
We are available on iTunes, SoundCloud, & Spotify
What do you do when God seems silent? Is He mad at me? Is He hiding from me? Is it possible that God is trolling me? Maybe, just maybe, there is more to the story.
So you're wondering what THE ENGAGE LIFE is?
It's a podcast, vlog, internet tv show that talks about the real life stuff that matters to you... Pastors Brett & Desiree Esslinger from ENGAGE CHURCH help you discover real faith for real life.
Because life doesn't only happen on Sunday's...
So let's jump in, this is THE ENGAGE LIFE with Pastors Brett & Desiree from Engage Church
Why is God so Silent? (2:40)
Recognizing that Prayer is Communication (3:11)
In order for God to speak... we need to listen (3:40)
Is the noise of life drowning out God's voice? (4:11)
Outside Noise vs Inside Noise (4:41)
Is it actually silent... or you just don't like what you hear? (6:06)
Do you already know the answer? (6:53)
Not hear anything... you're not alone (7:17)
Nothing is Wasted (7:48)
Maybe the silence is positive (8:01)
It's all about timing (8:21)
Is God waiting for me? (9:27)
Giving you some space (9:38)
Is the silence about the things I need to get out... (10:13)
Why Is God So Silent?
Because you didn't stop talking... it's a two-way street, it's a conversation!
Because our lives are creating so much noise, that we can't hear the still small voice
Because it's all about timing... the right thing at the right time
This week, take 5 Minutes each day to LISTEN to and for the Voice of God
This week, take 5 minutes to READ the Bible
This week, take 5 minutes to RECORD what God is saying
This week, take time to REDUCE the noise… put your phone down, schedule some downtime
Rather Listen than Watch? We Got You.
We are available on iTunes, SoundCloud, & Spotify
We are looking at a simple question, that's not easy... HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH DISAPPOINTMENT?
This is a loaded question, and the answer isn't always clear... but we do our best to dive deep and discover how we can deal with disappointment! PLUS... we've got some BONUS CONTENT FOR YOU!!!! That's right... we doubled down on dealing with disappointment... so don't forget to check it!
So you're wondering what THE ENGAGE LIFE is?
It's a podcast, vlog, internet tv show that talks about the real life stuff that matters to you... Pastors Brett & Desiree Esslinger from ENGAGE CHURCH help you discover real faith for real life.
Because life doesn't only happen on Sunday's...
Expectations & Assumptions (0:27)
Life is a team sport (1:30)
How Do We Deal With Disappointment #1 - ON A TEAM (2:21)
Who are you actually disappointed with? (3:15)
Disappointed with God? (3:25)
Good Idea or God Idea? (3:45)
How Do We Deal with Disappointment #2 - JESUS FIRST (5:07)
IDENTITY - Untangling what I do with who I am (6:13)
Dig Out & Deal with the root of disappointment (6:42)
Unresolved Disappointment devolves into Bitterness (7:06)
The Recap (8:27)
We don’t lean back, we lean in
We’ve got to discover & diagnose the root cause of our disappointment
We dig it out
Who do you have in your life who can help you walk through your disappointment?
Who in your life do you trust to help you identify your blindspots?
Have you invited Jesus into your pain and given him room and permission to work?
Rather Listen than Watch? We Got You.
We are available on iTunes, SoundCloud, & Spotify
There is nothing more difficult than seeing someone that you love in pain. At times you feel helpless...but there must be something you can do to help? We jump in and look at the ways you can help someone walk through disappointment.
The truth bombs starting dropping early in this episode so buckle up, jump right in and enjoy the ride!
You can only help if you have true relationship (0:15)
Being honest, open and vulnerable is born out of true relationship (0:39)
What does it look like to ‘speak the truth in love’ in real life? (0:57)
The scariest prayers to pray… (1:33)
How can I be present in the midst of my friend’s pain? (2:33)
You need some change in your pocket - building relational trust (3:37)
There’s only one saviour… and you’re not it (4:27)
Be present, not perfect
Speak the truth in love, and be HEAVY on the LOVE
You need some change in your pocket.
Do you want to be right or do you want to help?
Do you have enough relational equity, or enough trust built up to actually help?
Lead with love… be present, be positive, be encouraging
Rather Listen than Watch? We Got You.
We are available on iTunes, SoundCloud, & Spotify