When you are passionate about music you play your instrument a lot ... whenever you feel like it, whenever the mood strikes, whenever you are motivated or inspired... When you are obsessed with music you play your instrument a lot ... whenever you feel like it, whenever the mood strikes, whenever you are motivated or inspired. You also play when you don’t feel like it, when you aren’t inspired, when you aren’t in the mood, when your fingers hurt and are maybe bleeding because you know that this is what it takes to become a master of your craft! Obsession takes you places that passion only dreams of. Passion embraces the moment; obsession embraces the process.

Regardless of what your skill, talent, or craft is, you have been given a gift. This gift is the ability and the potential to create something out of nothing. You have the ability to brighten someone’s day with a word, a song, a poem, a painting, a carving... You have the ability to transform lives by building or inventing something, even by making a scientific discovery. One of the biggest misconceptions of our time is that our creativity is limited to the arts. No matter what your craft, use it to the best of your abilities, develop it, refine it, fulfill your potential... We need you! 

Brett Esslinger is a Husband, Dad, Son, Brother, Pastor, Speaker, Leader, Writer whose life goal is to help people unlock their potential and fulfill their life's purpose. 

Brett is the founder of Engage City Church & the Author of #HopeNotHype

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