Have you ever heard that phrase, "it's the most wonderful time of the year!"? One of the most memorable commercials that I've ever seen is a Staples Back To School Commercial that uses that famous Christmas music to articulate just the way that parents feel about their kids heading back to school after a summer which seemed way to short for the kids and way to long for the parents
Christmas has that same vibe for me. Sometimes I feel like it just comes to soon, while my wife and my kids just can't wait to fill our environment with the songs, sights, scents and sounds of the Christmas season.
In the midst of the craziness that is Christmas, have you ever noticed that generosity is at an all-time high? People are filled with more gratitude, more aware of others around them, and even when they are fighting and arm wrestling for a toy one minute, the next, they are dropping off a new, unwrapped toy to their favourite charity.
During the Christmas season I can't help but think of a very non-Christmasy piece of Scripture...
“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end”
I am convinced that the reason for the season is in fact just that. In the midst of the chaos that is Christmas I want to invite you on a journey. I believe that the reason that this season brings the best (ok, and the worst...) out of us, is because we are reacting to very essence of the Scripture quoted above. God has placed eternity in the human heart, and at this time of year, the human heart cannot help itself as it begins to respond to this simple gesture of kindness...
“God so loved that world that He gave... ”
And not only did He give... but He gave the most valuable gift that He could so that you & I could truly live. As you walk through the mall, or a parking lot, or sit through your kids Christmas program at school remember this...
This past Sunday I began a collection of talks that will help to unpack this idea further. I would love for you to join this journey with us as we discover that the reason for the season is also the answer to the question, where do I find peace this Christmas.
Brett Esslinger is a Husband, Dad, Son, Brother, Pastor, Speaker, Leader, Writer whose life goal is to help people unlock their potential and fulfill their life's purpose.
Brett is the founder of Engage City Church & the Author of HOPE NOT HYPE